Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuning the Voice

Passion is an intense emotion filled with enthusiasm and or a desire for anything.

Does the word passion and college coincide with one another? In “Tuning the voice”

students show the exact opposite of passion for school. Their actions show no interest,

zoned out, tired and utterly complete boredom. Students are surfing the web, playing

video games on their computer, listening to music, texting, eating and drinking trying to

distract their selves from falling asleep and when all that fails they fall asleep in class.

Why is this? Maybe because they signed up for a discussion class but the professor

turned the class into a lecture hall. Students would like to be able to interact with one

another instead of the professor directly reading from the text. For example, in the

documentary the students feel as if the professor is solving a math equation more so for

their selves instead of trying to explain the math problem and have the students solve it


Does college motivate students to have a passion for school? Students are feeling

defeated by school. Not having enough classes available and book prices that are

completely outrageous. It’s not that people do not want to complete school but it is all of

the complications of getting in school and trying to continue and be successful in school.

Students feel as if they are being set up for failure from the very beginning. Students are

trying to add into classes that are overfilled. People are standing in the doorway, sitting

on the floor and standing in the back of the class hoping that they will get be able to add

into the class. There should be enough classes for students to pick from especially if we

are paying to attend school. Money plays a big part in society. People choose to attend

community college because it is suppose to be less of a financial burden on us. The

required textbooks are sometimes more expensive then to attend the class. For the most

part the professor doesn’t even use the textbook for assignments. Therefore, we feel that

we are throwing our money away on purchasing books that we are not even using.

Students continue to go to school to push for what they want to accomplish. Some

want to become a doctor to be able to give back to people and help the ones in need.

Others feel that they are forced to continue school. If people had a class that was

interesting to them they would look forward to going to class rather than when they are at

class they are wishing that they were anywhere other than school. Students love it when

the professor actually takes the students interest into consideration and have discussions

with the class instead of only lecturing.

We all are different from our ethnic, economic and social background. At school

you can see all of the different ethnicities buy looking at one another, but in order to

really see what people deal with you have to visit their community where they live. Many

students deal with the hardship of trying to balance their family life with work and

school. Some students have to work more than one job to survive, and others do not have

to work at all. People deal with violence in their community daily. You see people

dealing drugs, hanging out on corners, gangs and death. All of this happens in student’s

lives but they do not let this stop them from trying to pursue their education. There is one

goal that we all have in common and that is to finish school.

Everyone’s daily life is very common. Just about bout all of us deal with the

struggle of work, school and transportation. We all do not get the proper hours of sleep.

The lack of sleep come from going to work, going to school and then doing homework.

Many students rely on financial aid to help pay for transportation, food, rents, and living

expenses. A good portion of the time financial aid comes in late towards the end of the

semester and or the financial aid does not cover all of the expenses. People will skip

meals because of money. Students have to choose if they rather finish their homework for

class of get some sleep. The lack of sleep put a great toll on your body. The lack of sleep

will cause you immune system to weaken which leads to becoming sick which then leads

to making the daily life more difficult to push through. Sometime we become extremely

stressed out with everything and we feel overwhelmed that sometimes people then give

up and drop out of classes and then eventually drop out of school completely. Students

feel as if each of their professors assign them workloads as if they are their only class that

they have to worry about.

If students work together as a team the group projects would be more appealing.

Many students hates it when the professor assigns a group project because we always feel

like we would be able to do it good by ourselves and we wouldn’t have to worry about

anyone not contributing to the project. Instead of everyone working together when it

comes to a group project, each person does a portion of a section and then puts it all

together at the end. If everyone had the time to join an extra curricular activity I believe

that it would really teach people how to work as a team and can use that skill in daily life.

When budget cuts are being made they go straight for the extra activities such as sports or

clubs. These extra activities are what help students push to continue doing well in

school and helps as a stress reliever. In order for everyone to succeed, we all need to

build and work together to help motivate one another.

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