Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Passion Project

Passion Project

What defines passion to you? Passion is something that makes you happy,

something that makes you want to get up in the morning and just do it like it is

second nature to you. Passion is what makes you have that drive to pursue what you

love. When you love to do something you will never feel like you are being forced to

do anything or wish that you were somewhere else. If you are doing something that

you are passionate about you will be excited to get up and do it every chance you

get. Only thing that is relevant to you is if you are happy. Of course money is a factor

but that is not what drives you or what makes you happy about what you are doing.

Some people’s passion is to be able to help people or travel the world. Whatever it

is, passion is what makes you as a whole. You take pride in what you do. Not only

does it make you happy but also you will fully enjoy doing it. You could be making

all the money in the world but hate your “job”. Another factor in knowing that you

found your passion is that you would rarely what you do as a job or work because

your passion is what you love to do like a hobby. Using the work job or work sounds

like that is what you are forced to do to be able to pay bills and survive.

As we become adults and have responsibilities to take care of we tend to get

caught up in the work life and start to loss what we are passionate about if we

haven’t already done so. Most of us are taught that money makes the world go

round, which I do believe is true to a certain extent. Money does make things easier

and less stressful, but sometimes what you are doing to make that money is

something that you absolutely hate doing. So is it worth it? People are not always

able to give up their job to find their passion because for the most part they have

people relying on them to bring that money in to help pay for bills. You passion may

not always be a field that you make any money in, so you have to ask yourself. Do I

want to make money and do something that I dislike or do I want to do something

that I have a great passion for but make no money? Either way you are kind of in a

lose lose situation. Yes you will be making money but you will most likely not care

for your job. You will be financial stable and not have to worry about how you are

going to pay for the bills because you are in the need or money. Instead of worrying

about how you’re going to pay for your expenses wouldn’t you want to worry about

where you’re going to plan your next vacation? Money does make life a bit less

stressful financially. On the other hand you could do and have your passion but you

have no to hardly any money but you will be doing something you absolutely love

doing. Now you are doing something you love to do and have no problem doing but

where are you going to get the money you need to pay for bills, to support your self,

your family? Sometimes you have to ask yourself, what is more worth it? Would you

rather work and make good money and not have to stress about financial or would

you want to do your passion and maybe having financial difficulties?

Why is our generation known as the silent one? Are we not speaking our

mind? Are we not letting the world what we want, what makes us happy? We need

to let our voices be heard. We cannot sit back and hope that someone “nice” will

come and listen to us. If we want to be heard we have to make ourselves be heard. If

we are so passionate about having the world hear us why do they not hear us?

Maybe we are speaking out but it just may be to the wrong crowd. We need to

become more involved with what is going on with the community. Find the right

hear to have our voices be heard. We cannot be known as the silent ones, we need to

be remembered as the generation who made a change, who set everything different,

who set expectations different and to have higher standards. Some say that passion

is just a childhood fairytale. Why is that? Is it because it is difficult to obtain and

people believe that it is more unlikely to actually happen? Then again why are we

letting society tell us what is obtainable and what is not. That should be our decision

and nobody else’s. Sure some may have it easier than others but we all have the

same opportunities. We can all make our dreams come true.

Students should be the main participants who critique education. We are the

ones who pay for our education so we should definitely have a say in what we are

investing in. just about everyone who has a passion is required to have a degree to

achieve his or her passion. Nothing in life comes easy. Some obstacles might be less

challenging than others but there will always be a challenge. One of the biggest

challenges are you. You have to get in your head that anything and everything is

possible and not to let anyone tell you differently. When you go to school you will

have some awesome professors and others that are not but it is up to you to make

the best out of the situation. You cannot play the blaming game on why you did not

understand or why you didn’t pass a class. Yes the professor may have not been the

best at teaching but you have to always be the best at learning. Again everything is

challenging and some are more than others but everything is obtainable when you

set your mind to it.

With anything that you do in life you should always be ready to critique it.

You critique it to see what can be improved. Never settle for less and never get

comfortable of the position that your in. you can always be doing better so in

general be ready to critique. When it comes to critiquing something that you are

passionate about you should have no second guess as to question if you should be

critiquing it. Of course you should, especially if you are investing your money into

your education. With the government continuing to make budget cuts and classes

are becoming more and more difficult to get into you make sure that you are getting

100% of what you are paying for. Follow your heart to see what makes you happy

and enjoy life and you have then found your passion.

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